About me

Hi, my name is Marko Živanović.

I’m an engineering leader currently living in Germany. My focus nowadays is software delivery optimization and developer empowerment and enablement, but I’m still pretty technical and hands on in my spare time. I love to tinker with electronics, learn new programming languages and platforms. I will try out anything tech-related I find interesting.

With over fifteen years of experience in IT, I’ve changed several technology stacks during that time. To mention all of it would be out of this scope, so I’ll leave it for a future entry (read: there’s a high chance it won’t happen). In my career, I worked both as an independent freelancer and a full-time employee for some pretty cool companies.

I take great interest in the impact of technology on society and politics. As a person who’s fascinated with ones and zeroes from an early age, I always liked to think about how we can make this world a better place through tech.

I enjoy reading books. I don’t limit myself to a specific topic. You can find on my bookshelf everything from classical literature to modern works of fiction and non-fiction, the latter being a more significant chunk of my collection. If I had to choose topics I spend most of the time reading about, other than technology, they would be history and sociology.

I’m pretty active on LinkedIn, so if you’re interested in more frequent, albeit shorter updates about what I’m currently doing or reading, you can follow me there.

I’m also an author. I wrote a satirical book called The Code of War, about climbing the IT corporate ladder. It’s based on me meeting and working with some strange and sometimes not exactly ethical individuals. You can buy a copy (digital, paperback, hardcover) on Amazon. Check out the book website!

If you have a business proposition, a question, or want to get in touch for whatever reason, please contact me via email.